Decision Session – Executive Member for Transport


18 October 2022

Report of the Director of Transport, Environment and Planning



Consideration of Objections of the extension of R63 ResPark to include properties 298-314 Fulford Road (Even only)




1.        The report considers the objection raised to the Residents’ Parking proposal for Broadway West and offers an officer recommendation for the outcome.


2.        The Executive Member is asked to:

Confirm the decision to make the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) needed to include the properties numbered 298-314 Fulford Road (even No.’s only), within an extended Residents’ Priority Parking zone R63.

Reason: To positively respond to the original request to provide those properties with an opportunity to apply for a permit to park with in the zone.




3.        During the advertisement of the proposal to extend the R63 Residents’ Parking Scheme to include Broadway West, we received objections from properties that front a section of Fulford Road (298-314, even No.’s only), which is subject to ‘No Waiting’ at any time restrictions.  A number of those residents were parking on Broadway West, although they do have a rear service road (accessed from St Oswald’s Road) of which some do have garages, but the access road is not wide enough to park on.  The objections were based on the fact that they were not included with the proposal and would like to be eligible to apply for permits within the R63 zone.


4.        The decision to extend the R63 Residents’ Parking Scheme to include Broadway West, also included approval to advertise a further extension of the scheme to include the properties numbered 298-314 Fulford Road (even No.’s only).


5.        The Notice of Proposal and Draft Order were published in July 2022, at which time the Council wrote to the affected properties (ANNEX A), to advise of the proposal and provide an opportunity to make a representation on the proposal if they wish.


6.        We received one objection (ANNEX B) during the representation period to the proposal.




7.        The proposal was advertised on 8th July 2022 and the Council sent out a consultation letter to all even numbered properties from 298-314 Fulford Road.  The consultation letter included information about the proposal, a Notice of Proposal and Plan of the proposed area.


8.        We received one letter of objection from a resident.  The objection was due to the fact that they were concerned that if they were to become part of a ResPark Zone which included Broadway West and not St Oswald’s Road, they would not be eligible to join a ResPark scheme for St Oswald’s Road, if it was introduced in the future.  The residents rear access is from St Oswald’s Road and their preferences is to park on St Oswald’s Road rather than Broadway West.


9.        The resident received a response explain that the proposal has been brought froward due to the zone extending into Broadway West and the lack of available parking on Fulford Road, another resident request that they were included within the extended zone. The response also informed the resident that there is currently no proposal for a Residents’ Parking Scheme for St Oswald’s Road but if it was to come forward it would most likely be an extension of the R63 zone rather than introducing a new zone for St Oswald’s Road.





10.   Option 1: Extend the R63 Residents’ Parking Zone to include the properties numbered 298-314 Fulford Road (even No.’s only).

This is the recommended option as it positively respond to the original request to provide those properties with an opportunity to apply for a permit to park with in the zone.

11.    Option 2: No further action to be taken.


This is not the recommended option because it is not in line with the council’s objectives as stated in the Local Transport Plan and does not respond to the clearly expressed preference of some residents who have stated the need for resident parking restrictions in their area. This section should present the options available for Members to consider.


Council Plan


12.   The Council Plan has Eight Key Outcomes:


·      Well-paid jobs and an inclusive economy

·      A greener and cleaner city

·      Getting around sustainably

·      Good health and wellbeing

·      Safe communities and culture for all

·      Creating homes and world-class infrastructure

·      A better start for children and young people

·      An open and effective council


The recommended proposal contributes to the Council being open and effective Council as it responds to the request from the residents in a positive way.




13.    The report has the following implications:


Financial The addition of the properties to the R63 zone, will not require any additional signs on street and will only require the addition of the properties to the permit application system so they are eligible to apply for permits so the £5k allocated within the core transport budget for the initial extension of R63 (currently been implemented) will be used to progress the proposed residents parking scheme. The ongoing enforcement and administrative management of the additional residents parking provision will need to be resourced from the income generated by the new measures


Human Resources If implemented, enforcement will fall to the Civil Enforcement Officers necessitating an extra area onto their workload.

New zones/areas also impact on the Business Support Administrative services, Customer Services as well as Parking Services.  Provision will need to be made from the income generated from new schemes to increase resources in these areas as well as within the Civil Enforcement Team.


Equalities The impact of the proposals on protected characteristics has been considered as follows:

·      Age – Positive impact for residents who should be able to park closer to their dwelling but potential negative impact for other car users who will not be able to park on these streets any longer without a permit;

·      Disability – Neutral as Blue Badge holders who live locally can apply to have a bay provided outside their homes if required and Blue Badge holders can park in Residents’ Parking areas free of charge;

·      Gender – Neutral;

·      Gender reassignment – Neutral;

·      Marriage and civil partnership– Neutral;

·      Pregnancy and maternity - Positive impact for residents who should be able to park closer to their dwelling but potential negative impact for other car users who will not be able to park on these streets any longer without a permit;

·      Race – Neutral;

·      Religion and belief – Neutral;

·      Sexual orientation – Neutral;

·      Other socio-economic groups including :

o  Carer - Neutral (see Disability);

o  Low income groups – Negative as low income residents who use on street parking will need to pay for a parking permit. The charge is the same for all residents in the zones regardless of their circumstances;

o  Veterans, Armed Forces Community– Neutral.


Access to the new online parking permit system - A plan is being developed for the wider Residents’ Parking Service to help those that either don’t have access to the internet or the skills to use the online system to access the parking system as they do with other similar ICT access requirements


Legal The proposals require amendments to the York Parking, Stopping and Waiting Traffic Regulation Order 2014:

Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 & the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (procedure) (England & Wales) Regulations 1996 apply


Crime and Disorder – no Crime and Disorder implications identified


Information Technology – any new residents’ parking scheme will need to be included in the new online parking permit system so additional IT resources may be required to set up the proposed scheme and proposed extended scheme boundary


Property – no Property implications identified


Other –no other implications identified



Risk Management


14.  In compliance with the Council’s risk management strategy there is an acceptable level of risk associated with the recommended option.

Contact Details




Chief Officer Responsible for the report:


Darren Hobson

Traffic Management Team Leader


Tel: (01904) 551367

James Gilchrist

Director for Transport, Highways and Environment



Report Approved










Specialist Implications Officer(s)  List information for all


Financial:                                        Legal:

Jayne Close                                    Dan Moynihan

Accountant                                      Senior Solicitor


Wards Affected:  Fishergate







For further information please contact the author of the report



Background Papers:       




Annex A: Residents Consultation Letter

Annex B: Representations of Objection